The banking mafia, Monsanto, rules the economical situation in the world. The collapse will appear if people will be disobedient.
Overall a good video. But I think it is not possible to have a fair, unmanipulated currency system without employing something tangible that most people find value in, like gold & silver.
You could create a non-debt currency system (print "script" out of thin air & without interest each year to be paid to a banker) & then increase the amount of script in circulation in strict proportion to the increase in population & productivity of the people. But the people in charge of that operation would cheat. You could try to have a computer do it (like in BitCoins) instead of people, but computers can be hacked or destroyed. I think the best is to eliminate Central Banking & allow competition between currencies. Most probably standard units of gold & silver used globally would emerge as the best form of money. But let the people decide for themselves how they want to pay for the goods & services they receive from others. Legal tender laws that enshrine only one currency as a monopoly in a nation & having one group of people to control it gives too much power to that group of people... and absolute power corrupts
Newsmax Wires
The United States could soon become a large-scale Spain or Greece, teetering on the edge of financial ruin.
That’s according to Donald Trump, who painted a very ugly picture of where this country is headed. Trump made the comments during a recent appearance on Fox News’ “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.”