The attack on Charlie Hebdo Magazine was not only under the leadership of Muslim leaders. Some of the world's leaders interested in feud in Europe.
I'm thinking if these Islamic extremists are so prevalent, they sure missed a perfect opportunity to attack by being a no show at the march.
Come on. Think think think. Propaganda at its finest. THEY ARE MANIPULATING YOU. WAKE
David Massada
There we have it, an attack to mobilize France to the Jewish cause, to make people indignant and for the media to blow on the embers. This attack strikes at the heart of the Jewish supremacist satirical organ, Charlie Hebdo.
What a woe! What horror! We live in such satanic times. Terror attacks just have to multiply so the powers that be can take extreme liberty-killing measures, all with people's shocked consent. It's sewn with invisible thread. It's so obvious that anybody a little bit aware can't but fall into the trap.