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Conspiracy Theory

65 подписчиков

Truth about the Vatican and the Pope

Blatant Satan worship is now rampant within the Catholic Church. High-ranking churchmen are guilty of this heinous crime against God. According to one reliable source, the smoke of Satan has entered the very sanctuary of St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican.


kaitlin klein
Your statement of thinking pope John Paul ll is worshiping satan is not truth ppl only persecute the catholic faith because Christians that come from broken branched off religion's came off the catholic faith and Jesus 12 followers were the first leaders who made the Catholic Church be what it is today and Jesus said to Peter and on this rock you will build my church Jesus found the one church and it is catholic that is a true fact and statement it even clearly says what Jesus said.


James Melton
While enduring the early persecutions of the Roman government (65-300 A.D.), most of professing Christianity went through a gradual departure from New Testament doctrine concerning church government, worship and practice. Local churches ceased to be autonomous by giving way to the control of "bishops" ruling over hierarchies. The simple form of worship from the heart was replaced with the rituals and splendor of paganism. Ministers became "priests," and pagans became "Christians" by simply being sprinkled with water. This tolerance of an unregenerate membership only made things worse. SPRINKLED PAGANISM is about the best definition for Roman Catholicism.

Notice the Catholic religion calls herself a woman. The Bible calls Catholicism a whore, and what a GREAT WHOREshe is—committing spiritual fornication with the kings and rulers of the earth (nearly every king throughout history has had some type of political, economic or religious ties with the Vatican)

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